Wellington Osteopathic Health

Make a Booking

What to expect on your first visit

Exit the lift on Level 1 and turn left to enter the clinic. Take a seat and relax and your practitioner will come and get you.

If you are a new patient, please take a new patient form from the sideboard and complete it whilst you are waiting.

During your initial consultation your osteopath will take a detailed case history of the presenting complaint. This will also include questions about your general health, daily lifestyle and your medical history. Depending on your complaint,  various examinations and tests may be performed to determine an appropriate treatment programme and to help form a diagnosis.
All of our osteopaths and acupuncturists are ACC treatment providers, if you have an injury resulting from an accident, we can make an ACC claim on your behalf.

In some cases greater clarity of your complaint may be required. Referrals for further tests or opinions can be made by your practitioner. Additionally, if we think further imaging is required we can arrange for referrals to Pacific Radiology, Horizon Radiology and Wellington Ultrasound.
