Wellington Osteopathic Health

Cranial Osteopathy

A subtle, yet refined form of osteopathic diagnosis

What is Cranial Osteopathy?

The concept of cranial osteopathy was first bought about by William Sutherland. His theory suggested that the brain rhythmically (albeit minutely) expands and contracts causing a fluctuation of cerebral spinal fluid (the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord). Rather like a tidal pull, similar to our normal breathing pattern. These movements transmit via the membranes and bones of the skull where the practitioner is able to palpate them.

Despite its name, cranial osteopathy is not solely treatment of the head. The fluctuation appears to exist throughout the whole body. Osteopaths are able to gently affect a change in the rhythm by working with restrictions rather than against them.

Any restriction or dysfunction in the body, whether it be a recent injury or a long-standing problem, is reflected as disturbances within the rhythm or as abnormal areas of tension within tissues. By assisting and encouraging the self-healing mechanisms restrictions are relieved while balance and efficient function is achieved.


To find out more information on Cranial Osteopathy, here are some links, Sutherland Cranial College    Osteopathic Centre for Children

